
Bamboo Furniture
Bamboo Polo Chairs, Stools, Tables,...
177 Moo 13, Tawangtan, Sarapee
Chiang Mai 50140 THAILAND
Tel. & Fax: (6653) 817176

M14 - Bamboo Polo
Chair with Reed
Size: 22" x 22" x 35"
Price: THB 1,800.-
Mom Bamboo
presents bamboo furniture in a natural and oriental style.
are many kinds of bamboo in the world - but Mom Bamboo selects a
special and unique kind of bamboo to produce its furniture.
M07 - Teak Polo
Chair with Reed
Size: 22" x 22" x 37"
Price: THB 4,000.-
kind of bamboo is found in the deep forests of northern Thailand
and has fine and lusterous texture - so it looks very attractive.
Out of a stand of 30-40 bamboos, Mom Bamboo can only select about 4-5 bamboos
that would qualify for its furniture.
Mom Bamboo brings the bamboos from the
deep forests and enter them into a drying process with high steam pressure
which will give the bamboos an equal texture - with no splits or chips
- and also make the bamboos strong and durable.

Mom Bamboo has its bamboo fumigated
- and is proud to guaranty the quality of a blend of beauty, luster
and firmness.
M13 - Bamboo Stool with Reed
Size: 13" x 19" x 19"
Price: THB 800.-

M05 - Polo Bar Table
-small: 11" x 15" x 20"
Price: THB 1,200
-medium: 17" x 31" x 30"
Price: THB 3,400
-large: 24" x 44" x 37"
Price: THB 6,300

M01 - Bamboo Tray
Size: 15" x 20" x 30"
Price: THB 900.-
Thai art is an inheritance of
culture that is produced in such a way that it can be usable. The
designs have been passed down from generations to generations - which has
a beauty of its own. It represents the arts and culture of the local producers,
their spirit and their wisdom.

M11 - Bamboo Campaign Chair
Size: 20" x 21" x 46"
Price: THB 2,500.-

Lime Squeezer
Size: 2" x 7" x 1.5"
Price: THB 400.-